TOP > Available Datalist
Available Datalist
JASMES provides products calculated from the Terra/Aqua MODIS data.

PAR, CSF/snwcfr, and WST documents are here.

If you want to use our data, please register from here.
Product Span Filename Possibility of the data update (or deletion) Area note
monthly includes semimonthly
  • MOD:Terra
  • MYD:Aqua
  • MDS:Terra and Aqua
  • YYYYMMDD:Observation Date
par daily M[O|Y]*[YYYYMMDD]*_par__le deletion -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (*_8b) was made, it is deleted.
MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_PAR_le deletion -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (*_8b) was made, it is deleted.
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_par__8b -- -- -- Daily data of a standard version made by Semimonthly processing.
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_par__le -- -- --
MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_PAR_le -- -- --
dpar daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_dpar_8b -- -- -- Daily data of a standard version made by Semimonthly processing.
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_dpar_le deletion -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (*_8b) was made, it is deleted.
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_dpar_le -- -- --
tip daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_tip__8b -- -- -- Daily data of a standard version made by Semimonthly processing.
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_tip__le deletion -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (*_8b) was made, it is deleted.
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_tip__le -- -- --
swr daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_swr__8b -- -- --
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_swr__le deletion -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (*_8b) was made, it is deleted.
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_swr__le -- -- --
uva daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_uva__8b -- -- --
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_uva__le deletion -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (*_8b) was made, it is deleted.
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_uva__le -- -- --
uvb daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_uvb__8b -- -- --
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_uvb__le deletion -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (*_8b) was made, it is deleted.
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_uvb__le -- -- --
chla daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_chla_le -- -- --
MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_CHLA_le -- -- --
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_chla_le -- -- --
MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_CHLA_le -- -- --
ptw daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_ptw__le -- -- --
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_ptw__le -- -- --
olst daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_lst__le -- -- --
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_OLST_le -- -- --
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_lst__le -- -- --
MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_OLST_le -- -- --
apg daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_apg__le -- -- -- -- apg, bbp is not provided at the semimonthly process of Global_5km.
bbp daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_bbp__le -- -- -- -- apg, bbp is not provided at the semimonthly process of Global_5km.
rgb daily MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_5Krgb -- -- --
monthly MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_5Krgb -- -- --
rpar daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_rpar_le deletion -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (monthly/semimonthly process data) was made, it is deleted.
(Because land surface processing is not exact at NRT version.)
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_rpar_le -- -- --
ndvi daily MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_NDVI_le deletion -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (monthly/semimonthly process data) was made, it is deleted.
(Because land surface processing is not exact at NRT version.)
monthly MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_NDVI_le -- -- --
taua daily MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_T500_le -- -- --
monthly MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_T500_le -- -- --
multi daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_par -- -- --
monthly M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_stn_5km.txt -- -- --
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_par -- -- --
values monthly MDS_CHLA_5km.txt -- -- -- updated by Semimonthly processing
MDS_NDVI_5km.txt -- -- -- updated by Semimonthly processing
MDS_OLST_5km.txt -- -- -- updated by Semimonthly processing
MDS_PAR_5km.txt -- -- -- updated by Semimonthly processing
MDS_T500_5km.txt -- -- -- updated by Semimonthly processing
MDS_CSF_GLB.txt -- -- -- -- updated by Semimonthly processing
MDS_CFR_GLB.txt -- -- -- -- -- updated by Semimonthly processing
MDS_WF_GLB.txt -- -- -- updated by Semimonthly processing
halfmonthly-WST_A.txt -- -- -- updated by Semimonthly processing
snwcfr daily MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_SNWFG_*.hdf update -- -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (*_8b) was made, it is deleted.
weekly MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_SNWFG_*.dat -- -- -- -- --
10days MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_SNWFG_*.hdf update -- -- -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version was made, it is updated.
15days MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_SNWFG_*.hdf deletion -- -- -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version (monthly/semimonthly data) was made, it is deleted.
monthly MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_SNWFG_*.dat -- -- -- --
MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_SNWFG_*.hdf -- -- -- --
MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*_CLDFR_*.dat -- -- -- -- --
wst weekly MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*-WST_*.raw -- -- -- -- --
monthly MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*-WST_*.raw -- -- --
wf daily MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*.wildfire_*.txt -- -- --
weekly MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*-WF_*.dat -- -- -- -- --
monthly MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*-WF_*.dat -- -- --
MDS*[YYYYMMDD]*-WF_*.dat.png -- -- --
lst daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_LST.E1 update -- -- -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version was made, it is updated.
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_LST.E2 update -- -- -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version was made, it is updated.
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_LST.QA update -- -- -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version was made, it is updated.
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_LST.TS update -- -- -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version was made, it is updated.
M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_LST.res update -- -- -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version was made, it is updated.
aersol daily M[O|Y]D*[YYYYMMDD]*_kosk_evi.1441_0461_le update -- -- -- -- These data are only near real-time versions. After a standard version was made, it is updated.
sie climate JASMES_*_19781101_[YYYYMMDD]_*.txt -- -- -- -- -- updated by daily processing
JASMES_*_19781101_[YYYYMMDD]_*.txt -- -- -- -- -- updated by daily processing
ic0 climate GW1AMS2_IC0_[YYYYMMDD]_*.dat -- -- -- -- -- AMSR2 data
CORWSAT_IC0_[YYYYMMDD]_*.dat -- -- -- -- -- WindSat data
PM1AMSE_IC0_[YYYYMMDD]_*.dat -- -- -- -- -- AMSR-E data
F08SSMI_IC0_[YYYYMMDD]_*.dat -- -- -- -- -- SSM/I data
N07SMMR_IC0_[YYYYMMDD]_*.dat -- -- -- -- -- SMMR data
About Near Real-time version and Standard version of the table
Difference of NRT data and STD data ( NASA EOSDIS )
  • Area and resolution
  • Directory NameLatitude (deg)Longitude (deg)Resolution
    Global_05km-90 - 900 - 3605km
    Japan_01km24 - 50
    (CSF: 24 - 49)
    123E - 150E
    (CSF: 123E - 148E)
    Thai_01km -5 - 2590 - 1201km
    Gobi_05km27 - 5075 - 1475km
    Polar_XXkm Arctic:
     Left-Top: 30.98
     Right-Top: 31.37
     Right-Bottom: 33.92
     Left-Bottom: 34.35

     Left-Top: -39.23
     Rgiht-Top: -39.23
     Right-Bottom: -41.4
     Left-Bottom: -41.45
     Left-Top: 168.35
     Rgiht-Top: 102.34
     Right-Bottom: 350.03
     Left-Bottom: 279.26

     Left-Top: 317.76
     Rgiht-Top: 42.24
     Right-Bottom: 135.00
     Left-Bottom: 225.00
  • Product
  • Product codeProduct Name
    parPhotosynthetically Available Radiation
    dpar Direct PAR
    tip Transmittance of Instantaneous PAR at noon
    swr Shortwave Radiation
    uva UV-A
    uvb UV-B
    chla Phytoplankton abundance (Chlorophyll-a)
    ptw Precipitable Water
    olst Ocean and Land Surface Temperature
    apg Absorption Coefficient of Particles + CDOM
    bbp Backscattering Coefficient of Particles
    rgb Rayleigh corrected reflectance RGB
    rpar surface Reflectance weighted by PAR wavelengths & solar irradiance
    ndvi Activity of Vegetation (NDVI)
    taua Aerosol abundance (Optical thickness)
    multipar data including subparameters
    snwcfr Snow Cover Extent, and Cloud Cover Rate
    wst Plant Water Stress Trend
    wf Hot Spots of Wild Fire
    lst Land Surface Temperature
    aersol aerosol data
    (taua, rcr, rs, taum, model, par, vi)
    sie Sea Ice Extent
    ic0 Sea Ice Concentration
    values semimonthly values of individual parameters