JASMES Data Access

1. User Registration

JASMES site provides various products in binary and netCDF formats.
Please read the terms and conditions carefully and agree on them before the use of the Service, and click User Registration button.

If you want to change or delete the user registration information, please click here.
Please check here for how to get JASMES data.

2. About Data

The following JASMES site provides various products in binary and netCDF formats.
 1) SGLI Standard Data Service
 2) SGLI Near-realtime Monitor Service
 3) MODIS Near-realtime Monitor Service
 4) JASMES Map Monitor
 5) FAI Monitor
 6) Inner bay Monitor

Please refer to here to see Data list.
To access GCOM-W1/AMSR2 data, please use the Global Portal Service (G-Portal).

Earth Observation Research Center / JAXA
GCOM Secretariat(formerly ADEOS/OCEAN Secretariat)
2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8505 Japan
FAX: +81-29-868-2961