SeaDAS (SeaWiFS Data Analysis System) is a free software program, for Ocean Color Data processing. It was developed by NASA to analyze Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) formatted SeaWiFS data. Now Latest version 4.5 was released Jun., 2004.
SeaDAS analyzes and displays all SeaWiFS products (L0, L1A, L1B, L2, L3Binned, L3 SMI, L1A-, L2-, L3-Browse), Ocean Color and Temperature Sensor(OCTS), Coastal Zone Color Scanner(OZCS), and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) data sets, SeaDAS can also analyze and display NOAA/AVHRR Global Sea Surface Temperature (HDF) distributed by the JPL (NASA), and universal binary data as well.
It was previously nesossary to install Interactive Data Language(IDL), an analysis software program (shareware) from Research Systems, Inc., prior to running SeaDAS. Since Ver. 4.0, however there is a free licensed IDL Run Time for supporting SeaDAS only. Update files announce bug fixes, new functions, and updates.
Operational Environment
Workstation |
SGI (IRIX 6.5)
SUN (Solaris 2.7 or 2.8)
FTP (SeaDAS 4.5) |
PC |
RedHat Linux (7.1, 7.2 or 7.3)
Optional Software |
IDL 5.4 or 5.5